Obviously, I'm not the real Jesus of Nazareth. I'm a 26-year old man who got a nickname due to some really awesome hair. But I'd like to think he and I would get along pretty well. We share the same core values - love and respect. We are prone to get angry, truly outraged - but only at the lack of concern people tend to have for one another. And as I look at the events unfolding in our world, I see ample need for more people like Jesus. Powerful voices speaking out for peace and love. And I believe I have the ability to be such a voice.
To say that this world has problems would be an extraordinary understatement. Economic collapse, international hostility, class warfare, poverty, starvation, tyranny, terror... Sometimes I wonder how I can even smile, knowing how much pain there is in this world. But in the midst of all this darkness, there is a constant, undying light shining through.
Hope that we can fix this broken world. Hope that we can save the environment. Hope that we can feed everyone. Hope that we can work together. Hope that we can cure diseases. Hope that we can guarantee the liberty of every human being. Hope that we can make this planet we call home a better place - for everyone.
Because I believe we can do better. Humanity has come so far over the past several thousand years - for that matter, we've come an incredibly long way over just the past hundred. I truly believe we have the knowledge and resources available to us to fix the problems that plague our species.
To that end, I am starting this blog to voice my opinions. I spend a lot of time reading articles about current events, and I have recently come to the realization that I am pretty good at articulating my feelings on these subjects. As such, I shall continue to scour the Internet for inspiration and share my views here.
DISCLAIMER: No, I'm not gonna shove Christianity down your throat. I may make references here and there, as it's the religion I am most familiar with and let's face it religions are a great moral compass when taken in moderation. Please consult your doctor before taking Religion. If you experience enlightenment, joy, gratitude, or compassion, just sit back and enjoy it.
DISCLAIMER: No, I'm not gonna shove Christianity down your throat. I may make references here and there, as it's the religion I am most familiar with and let's face it religions are a great moral compass when taken in moderation. Please consult your doctor before taking Religion. If you experience enlightenment, joy, gratitude, or compassion, just sit back and enjoy it.